Rabu, 11 November 2009

Smoking Cessation

Smoking can be fatal if not prevented by cessation treatments. According to WHO figures, smoking causes more deaths than other fatal diseases combined. Smoking causes roughly 5 million deaths worldwide each year, and figures are still increasing.
Research has found tobacco and cigarette smoke is the cause of many fatal diseases including cancers, heart disease, and tuberculosis. Smoking has been found to be a contributing factor towards several major diseases including lung cancer, emphysema and cardiovascular diseases.

Champix is the latest medication for smoking cessation released by Pfizer. It’s believed to help even the most addicted smokers kick the habit. Champix is now available online through meds4all. You need a valid prescription in order to buy Champix online.

Nicotine is a chemical that has been clinically proven to be one of the most addictive substances known to man. When you smoke a cigarette, most of the nicotine present in the tobacco is burnt. However, the amount that remains and is inhaled is enough to cause somatic dependency, the feeling of addiction to cigarettes. It also causes mild to strong psychological dependency.

Traditionally, smoking addiction has been treated through non-prescription methods such as will power, herbs, and counselling. While lots of people have proved their mettle by quitting smoking through will power alone, these methods rarely work. Smoking addiction is so strong that many cannot shrug it off without professional help.

It is difficult to quit smoking for many reasons, one of those being the withdrawal symptoms. These include insomnia, irritability, anxiety, decreased heart rate, weight gain, and of course, nicotine cravings. Research has found a high relapse rate of nearly 60% in 3 months for those who try to quit on their own.

The best method for smoking cessation therefore is to get professional advice and help. A consultation with a registered medical practitioner followed by a prescription medication treatment can work really well when combined with will power and counselling. There are a number of options available in prescription medications.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
While certain doctors do prescribe NRT therapy through nicotine patches and nicotine chewing gums, most doctors now reframe from doing so. The idea behind NRT is that by providing a minimum amount of nicotine through these products, your system will not crave cigarettes.

This is one of the first prescription only treatments to be introduced for smoking cessation. Zyban hit the market more than a decade ago. It was originally formulated for treating depression. However, in trials, it was found to help people quit smoking as well and so it was later given approval as a smoking cessation treatment. Zyban has been successful; however, it has also been controversial because it can lead to depression.

Champix is the latest smoking cessation medication to be approved. It is manufactured by Pfizer and works on a non-nicotine based treatment method. Champix actually acts on the nicotine receptors in the brain to cut down the craving for a smoke. It also helps alleviate many of the withdrawal symptoms of nicotine. In clinical trials, it has been found to be much more effective than Zyban.

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